


    Albrecht, M. A., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L. (2024). Producing cognate picture names: Effects of bilingual profile, proficiency, and cross-linguistic overlap. 9th Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language & Cognition. Oral presentation. Trondheim, 5-7 June.
    Berntsen, H. (2024). Kan avkodingsvansker hos voksne identifiseres på et andrespråk?. NAFO’s 20-year anniversary conference. Oral Presentation. Oslo, 21-22 October.
    Berntsen, H. (2024). Lesevansker og flerspråklighet – en presentasjon av resultatene fra doktoravhandlingen. Nye sjanser – spesialpedagogisk tilrettelegging. Oral Presentation. Oslo, 18 April.
    Feron, J., Rahman, F., Fosstveit, S. H., Joyce, K. E., Gilani, A., Lohne-Seiler, H., Berntsen, S., Mullinger, K. J., Segaert, K., Lucas, S. J. E. (2024). Cerebral blood flow and arterial transit time responses to home-based exercise training in healthy older adults. The 29th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Oral presentation. Glasgow, 2-5 July.

    Fosstveit, S. H., Berntsen, S., Feron, J., Joyce, K. E., Ivarsson, A., Segaert, K., Lucas, S. J. E., Lohne-Seiler, H. (2024). Sticking to It: High Adherence Levels and Enhanced Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Older Adults Performing Home-Based HIIT. The 29th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Oral presentation. Glasgow, 2-5 July.
    Lohne-Seiler, H., Fosstveit, S. H., Feron, J., Joyce, K. E., Segaert, K., Lucas, S. J. E., Berntsen, S. (2024). HIIT at home – Enhancing physical function and health-related quality of life in older adults. Any associations?. The 29th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Oral presentation. Glasgow, 2-5 July.
    Prystauka, Y., Tsvetanov, K., Rahman, F., Fernandes, E. G., Wetterlin, A. L., Lucas, S. J. E., Wheeldon, L. R., Segaert, K. (2024). Does regular physical exercise mitigate age-related decline in word production?. 9th Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language & Cognition. Oral presentation. Trondheim, 5-7 June.


    Fernandes, E. G. Exercise training speeds language comprehension for monolingual but not bilingual older adults: evidence from a randomised controlled trial. Oral presentation. The Fitness Ageing and Bilingualism Workshop. Kristiansand, 28-29 May.
    Feron, J., Rahman, F., Fosstveit, S. H., Joyce, K. E., Gilani, A., Lohne-Seiler, H., Berntsen, S., Mullinger, K. J., Segaert, K., Lucas, S. J. E. (2024). Cerebral blood flow and arterial transit time responses to home-based exercise training in healthy older adults. Oral presentation. The Fitness Ageing and Bilingualism Workshop. Kristiansand, 28-29 May.
    Fosstveit, S. H., Lohne-Seiler. H., Feron, J., Joyce, K. E., Segaert, K., Lucas S. J. E., Berntsen, S. (2024) HIIT at Home: Enhancing cardiorespiratory fitness in older adults – A randomised controlled trial. Oral presentation. The Fitness Ageing and Bilingualism Workshop. Kristiansand, 28-29 May.
    Prystauka, Y., Tsvetanov, K., Rahman, F., Feron, J., Fernandes, E. G., Wetterlin, A., Lucas, S. J. E., Wheeldon, L. Segaert, K. (2024). Exploring language behavior as a function of predicted brain age and physical exercise intervention. Oral presentation. The Fitness Ageing and Bilingualism Workshop. Kristiansand, 28-29 May.
    Rahman, F., Tsvetanov, K. A., Feron, J., Mullinger, K., Joyce, K. E., Gilani, A., Fosstveit, S. H., Lohne-Seiler, H., Berntsen, S., Fernandes, E. G., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L., Lucas, S. J. E., Segaert, K. (2024) (1) Explaining age-related word-finding failures using neural and lifestyle measures, and (2) the effect of an exercise intervention and bilingualism on non-linguistic cognitive function. Oral presentation. The Fitness Ageing and Bilingualism Workshop. Kristiansand, 28-29 May.


    Albrecht, M. A., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L. (2024). Language similarity in bilingual word retrieval: effects of individual differences in L2 picture naming. 30th Architectures and mechanisms for language processing conference. Poster presentation. Edinburgh, SSeptember 7-9.
    Fernandes, E. G., Fosstveit, S. H., Feron, J., Rahman, F., Lucas, S. J. E., Lohne-Seiler, H., Berntsen, S. Wetterlin, A., Segaert, K., Wheeldon, L. (2024). Increased cardiorespiratory fitness mediates faster language comprehension for mono- but not bilingual older adults: evidence from a physical exercise intervention. 30th Architectures and mechanisms for language processing conference. Poster presentation. Edinburgh, SSeptember 7-9.
    Pelissier, M., Bergstrøm, A. E. Y. H., Nanaá, I. Olsen, R. M., Kløverud, N., Wetterlin A., Frisson, S., Wheeldon, L. (2024). Form priming in bilingual sentence reading: Effects of individual differences in language proficiency, working memory, and inhibitory control. 30th Architectures and mechanisms for language processing conference. Poster presentation. Edinburgh, SSeptember 7-9.
    Pelissier, M., Øya, H., Wheeldon, L., Wetterlin, A. (2024). To voice or not to voice: cross-linguistic effects on phonological representations. 30th Architectures and mechanisms for language processing conference. Poster presentation. Edinburgh, September 7-9.
    Prystauka, Y., Tsvetanov, K., Rahman, F., Fernandes, E. G., Wetterlin, A. L., Lucas, S. J. E., Wheeldon, L. R., Segaert, K. (2024). Does regular physical exercise mitigate age-related decline in word production?. Annual meeting for the cognitive neuroscience society. Poster presentation. Toronto, 13-16 April.



    Albrecht, M. A., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L. (2023). Bilingual sentence planning: Linguistic and cognitive effects on grammatical planning scope. 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Oral presentation. Porto, September 6-9.
    Albrecht, M. A., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L. (2023). What the eyes reveal about planning scope and cognitive load in bilingual sentence production. Eye-tracking and Language Processing Conference. Oral presentation. Athens, 7-9 December.
    Fosstveit, S. H., Feron, J. F., Lucas, S. J. E. , Lohne-Seiler, H., Berntsen, S. (2023). How does older adults’ fitness level impact the associations between Borg’s RPE scale and physiological measures of exercise intensity?28th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Oral presentation. Paris, 4-7 July
    Markiewicz, R., Rahman, F., Fernandes, E., Limachya, R., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L., & Segaert, K. (2023). Effects of both ageing and bilingualism on attention and executive functions. Society for the Neurobiology of Language 15th Annual Meeting. Oral presentation. Marseille, October 24-26.
    Rahman, F., Tsvetanov, K., Feron, J., Joyce, K., Gilani, A., Fernandes, E., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L.,Lucas, S., Segaert, K. (2023) Neural and Cardiovascular Determinants of Tip-of-The-Tongue States in Healthy Ageing. Psychonomics. Oral Presentation. San Francisco, November 16-19.


    Albrecht, M. A., Wetterlin A., Wheeldon, L. (2023). Bilingual sentence planning: Linguistic and cognitive effects on grammatical planning scope. 29th Architectures and mechanisms for language processing conference. Poster presentation. San Sebastian, 31 August – 2 September.
    Fernandes, E., Segaert, K., Rahman, F., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L. (2023) Independent effects of ageing and bilingualism on language processing. 29th Architectures and mechanisms for language processing (AMLAP). Poster presentation. San Sebastian, 31 August – 2 September.
    Feron, J.F., Rahman, F. Fosstveit, S.H., Joyce, K.E., Gilani, A., Lohne-Seiler, H., Berntsen, S., Segaert, K., Mullinger, K.J., Lucas, S.J.E. (2023). Determinants of resting cerebral blood flow and arterial transit time in healthy older adults. The 28th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Poster presentation. Paris, 4-7 July
    Segaert, K., Tsvetanov, K., Feron, J., Joyce, K., Gilani, A., Fernandes, E., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L., Lucas, S., Rahman, F. (2023) Neural and Cardiovascular Determinants of Tip-of-The-Tongue States in Healthy Ageing. Poster presentation. 15th Annual meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language. Marseille, October 24-26
    Markiewicz, R., Rahman, F., Fernandes, E., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L., & Segaert, K. (2023). Effects of both ageing and bilingualism on attention and executive functions. 29th Architectures and mechanisms for language processing (AMLAP). Poster presentation. San Sebastian, 31 August – 2 September.
    Markiewicz, R., Rahman, F., Fernandes, E., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L., & Segaert, K. (2023). Effects of both ageing and bilingualism on attention and executive functions. 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Poster presentation. Porto, September 6-9.



Pélissier, M., Haugland, D., Handeland, B., Urland, B. Z., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L., Frisson, S. (2022). Competition between form-related words in bilingual sentence reading: Effects of language proficiency. 28th Architectures and mechanisms for language processing (AMLAP). Poster presentation. York, 7-9 September.



    Wheeldon, L. Spoken sentence production: incremental planning for fluent output. (2019). 25th Architectures and mechanisms for language processing (AMLAP). Keynote address. 6-8 September.


    Mangersnes, M. T. (2019). Representation, Processing and Articulatory Proficiency in English as a Second Language. Nordic Research on Accent, Acceptability and Acquisition. Oral Presentation. Kiel, 31 March.


    Mangersnes, M. T., Wetterlin, A. L., Wheeldon, L. R. (2019). Bilingual language control and articulation – Relating articulatory measures and self-reported proficiency to language switching behaviour. Capturing and Quantifying Individual Differences in Bilingualism. Poster presentation. Tromsø, 2-3 September.